H-1B Lottery- A Definitive Guide to the 2023-2024 Tips and Predictions

The H-1B lottery is a system used by the USCIS to select people eligible for an H1B visa. If you are new to the H1B visa application process, you may come across the H1B lottery. The H1B lottery is a random selection process. ...

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H-1B Visa Application- What are the Essential Aspects to Know?

Each year, skilled professionals apply for an H-1B visa to work and live in the United States. They get the chance once a year to gain entry to the US through this visa. The US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issues this visa. ...

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Board of Immigration Appeals Cases

One of the most important components of the immigration system is the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA). The BIA is an appellate-level administrative court that hears appeals from decisions of immigration judges and certain agency decisions. For exa...

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How to Get a USA Passport – A Complete Guide for Immigrants

Have you recently become a lawful citizen of the United States through the process of naturalization? One of the key benefits of becoming a U.S. citizen is you can apply for a passport and visit over 180 countries without the need for a specific visa...

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What You Should Know About Habeas Corpus?

Habeas corpus, or the “Great Writ” is a legal procedure that allows an individual in custody to challenge unlawful imprisonment or indefinite detention. The U.S. Constitution underwrites habeas corpus as a fundamental right to safeguard individual fr...

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How to Complete the Permanent Labor Certification Process?

Every year, approximately 140,000 employment-based visas are made available for noncitizens of the U.S. who seek immigration on the basis of their job skills. Expatriates who have the right education, work experience, and education may also be eligib...

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Business Immigration- Essential Aspects to Know

Business immigration to the US comprises several intricacies. The number of entrepreneurs wishing to move to the US is not decreasing anytime soon. About 3.2 million immigrants in the USA run their own businesses. ...

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Joint Venture Agreements and their Role in Making your Company Successful

Joint venture agreements are types of contracts formed to benefit two or more organizations or entities. A successful joint venture gives rise to the formation of new entities. The companies agree to share different resources, such as assets and inte...

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Distribution Agreements- What are the Essential Aspects to Know about them?

It is a contract between a supplying agency selling products and another company that sells these products. The company that purchases products from the supplier is known as the distributing company. ...

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How to Avoid Copyright Infringement?

Copyright is a type of intellectual property protection that helps safeguard the creator’s right to claim the original work as their own. The U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 was enacted to protect unauthorized use of creative works. This includes prohibit...

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