What Does a B1/B2 Visa Allow You To Do – Permissible & Prohibited Activities?

The B1 and B2 visas are non-immigrant U.S. visas that allow a person to temporarily enter the United States for business purposes (B-1 visa) or tourism (B-2 visa). However, the U.S. Department of State has laid down specific permissible and prohibite...

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Why the Popularity of E2 Visa is Set to Rising in Recent Times?

Since former U.S. President Donald Trump released the Executive Order in April 2020, there have been significant repercussions on Green Card processing and granting immigration to the United States. Though the U.S. has loosened its restrictions on re...

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Applying for an E1 Visa? Here’s Everything You Should Know

If you are a foreign trader looking to carry out substantial business with individuals or firms in the United States, then you could apply for an E1 visa – provided you are from specific treaty countries. What does this mean? In this guide, we will e...

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How to Successfully File Your BIA Appeals?

If an immigration judge has passed an unfavorable verdict, which could jeopardize your immigration status or get you deported from the country, then you should immediately consider filing BIA appeals. The Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) is the Uni...

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What You Should Know Before Filing a Petition for Review?

If the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) has ordered “removed” or “deported,” then non-citizens of the United States may file a Petition for Review (PFR) with the Circuit Courts. Several jurisdictions do not give immigrants the right to appeal a dec...

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Can Crimmigration Impact My U.S. Immigration Status?

If you are convicted for violating the above conditions, it can result in a legal hearing and deportation. And that’s when your immigration status is jeopardized under crimmigration. It is when criminal defense intersects with the U.S. immigration ...

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What You Should Know About Pro Hac Vice?

For attorneys, it is important to get licensed in a particular jurisdiction before they can start practicing. Beyond that jurisdiction, the attorney is not allowed to practice unless he is admitted ‘pro hac vice.’ In this blog, we will understand wh...

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Why Do You Need to Hire an Estate Planning Law Firm?

Amidst today’s unpredictable lifestyle, planning for your future has become more important than over. Taking the time to manage your estate will help prepare you and your family for uncertainties. However, estate planning can be a complex journey and...

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What Mistakes To Avoid When Finding the Best Personal Injury Lawyer?

Have you had a car accident? Injured at work? Either way, you need to hire the best personal injury lawyer. They specialize in-laws about personal injury and can help you get financially compensated when you sustain physical, psychological, or emoti...

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What Should You Know About Change from J-1/B-1 Status to F-1 Students Visa?

A J-1 student visa is a non-immigrant visa that provides international candidates the opportunity to travel and participate in an Exchange Visitor Program in the United States. Foreign nationals may also acquire a B-1 visa that allows them to enroll ...

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